Monday, May 11, 2009

Mount Calvary and Mount Olivet

I think that its very important to note that we all know that Mount Olivet and I are in a very special place; the Church is happy to have my family and me as Pastor and First Family and my Family and I are very happy to have Mount Olivet as our Church. There will be trying times ahead. Now, it's a given that All of our days together thus far have been wonderful...That is "as far as I know." However, No husband and wife, brother and sister, or two people in general are going to have perfect days always. There will be some testing times when the relationship is tried and the purity (whatever that may be) rises to the top! I'm 23 years into full time, none stop pastoring, and now having been fully installed in five churches. I can write the script for what goes on in Church. The old saying is, they love you the first year, they hate you the second year, and you spend the next couple or years repairing what got messed up the second year, and after that, if you make it, its fairly smooth sailing, with a bump here and there. Well... I think, that after five installations now, that I have a pretty good idea of the bumps in the road and I'm more capable of avoiding them and leading my congregation around many of them. Of course I had some difficult days at Mount Calvary, St Paul, Springhill and Mount Level, but the good days by far out weigh the bad ones.... Listen, every one in the Church are not just "fronts." Some people are today, who they were yesterday and who they will be tomorrow. Above are two men who served Mount Calvary as Deacons when I went there more than ten years ago, one served as the Chairman of the Deacon Ministry and Pulpit Search Committee. While they may have been disappointed in my leadership at times in some form or fashion and while I may not have agreed with something they did or said, there was never a cross word or a time when strife existed among us! I was happy to see members of Mount Calvary, Tucson, my former Church come to Rochester to support their former pastor and his new Church home. I told Mount Calvary my last Sunday there that this move was not a move of contention, but it was the Lord's doing and that we both would grow and prosper and be strenghtened and develop more fully as result of what God was doing in my life and in the life of the Church. I told them that it was not the Deacons or Trustees or Members who had caused me to leave, but the Lord; and that they were to stay wholly together and look to the Lord for their future as I had done for mine! I told them that I longed for the day to come and support them and their new pastor in some effort and I continue to hold fast to my word! I pray for Mount Calvary daily, and I trust God for them and new spiritual, loving leadership as I trusted God for a new place that would love my family and me and be open to the love that I have and so very much enjoy giving to my congregation. I believe that God answered my prayer. I say to those who may have doubt - I was not Supeoned to Rochester, I was called here. Few Pastors to get to choose between Florida, DC, Colarado and New York. If I believed in luck, I would think I was one of the luckiest Pastors ever; but I dont. So I have to state it as I believe. I'm blessed. I'm blessed to be at Mount Olivet. I was blessed to spend ten years at Mount Calvary, Tucson and more blessed to have the love and support for my current ministry from so many of those who continue to serve the Mount Calvary Church. God bless your souls for your continued love and support! And know that we are alright here in Rochester and we are anxiously anticipating God's response to your pulpit and pastoral care needs.

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