Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day Service

Sunday was a great time in the life of our Church. We Baptized twelve to fourteen people on yesterday. I'm so blessed by the Body of Christ giving Birth to Newborn Souls. There are enough unsaved, unbaptized people in our city and community for every Church in Rochester to be filled to the brim and running over! My task is to tap into the Community and reach the Unsaved for the Body of Christ. I'm overwhelmed by what I believe to be the Direction and Vision in which the Lord wants the Body of Christ moving into in the Rochester Community! We must make a conscience effort to win souls, to change lives, to make living conditions better for the people of our community, to have a safe-haven for them when they accept Christ, to embrace them as Brothers and Sisters, to offer means of socialization and acceptance to people who feel like they are not a part of the Body of Christ. Neighborhoods have to be cleaned up, the Church has to be welcomed into the Community and the Community welcomed into the Church. Neither to this point have been denied access to either because no real attempt to my knowledge has been made to enter either's territory! Now I really do appreciate the welcoming spirit received from the wonderful people of Mount Olivet Baptist Church. I was gone from Sunday evening to Saturday evening and my good folks really acted like they missed me! Well, I sure did miss my Church family and I'm glad to be HOME....and I left much to do in Memphis at my Townhouse. Hopefully, most of the things that need doing will be done before I get there. It is supposed to be the place for us to go and relax, chill, and simply unwind. Actually, even with cleaning the yard, and repairing what was broken, it was still a very relaxing time.

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