Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Memphis Tennessee

My Sunday traveling experience was something! First, the family and I got up early so that I could get to my Church, Mount Olivet Baptist; and see as many of my babies as I possibly could, make sure service would go fine, etc.. and that was great! I got to the airport at 11:15 for my 12:00 flight that was scheduled to get me to Memphis at 4:15pm for the Memphis Super Sunday Service in which I would be up to bring the message about 5:30 or so! As it turns out, my plane didnt leave Rochester until well after 1:30... Long story short, I didnt get to Memphis until 6:20 and it was almost 7:00 when I got to the church! Folks had been there since 2:00pm. (I have to tell you about Super Sunday; Its Church all day! Singing and preaching with best choirs and preaching all day long. Good food served, people coming and going all the day long! Generally, its the week before the Super Bowl. I did tell them that I would not return next year because we will have our own Super Sunday in Rochester ) Memphis stayed there and waited on me! I Got out of the car, going straight to the pulpit and was up to preach within 10 minutes of arrival! People whom I had not seen in over 25 years were there to hear me! And, the Lord was good. My minister of muisc, Damien Savage who has traveled with me for the last 15 years was with me, and it was on! Listen at this and I'm gone. Its 45 degrees here and its colder than 45 degrees in Rochester. Rochester's 45 degrees is like a Spring Day... Here it has that wet, cold feeling... When I lived in Tucson and folks asked me about the heat, I told them it was a different kind of heat, Now living in Rochester, when folks ask me about how I'm handling the cold, I tell them "Fine, Its a different kind of cold." and it is.. I guess you have to live in those different elements to understand what I'm talking about! Hey, I had some of Moma's spaghetti, green beans, roast beef, potatoes and carrots, cornbread, and sweet potato pie, and several glasses of Memphis water. Oh yeah, this is the only place in America where I drink the water from the hydrant. I guess thats what you call it. Well, I have quite a bit of business to take care of today. Folks think that we're all settled because Rochester is going so well.. Not so.. and pray for us that these houses sell...and No! I dont ever want rental properties again... especially in a city in which I do not live! Its not fun anymore! Cya!


Pastor A. A. McGhee said...

There's no place like home. Glad you had a warm reception and day. Praying for your continued success.

Ronald said...

Glad all went well for you pastor, I'll continue to pray for you and yours.
