Tuesday, January 6, 2009

God is Calling Us

As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector's booth. "Follow me," he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him.
Jesus was so different, so unique, so exceptional, distinctive in his love for humanity. He seemed to care about people nobody else cared about.Jesus would even talk to people who were out of control. He would minister to people whom other folks would avoid. Jesus loved all people — and liked all people.
Jesus enjoyed humanity,
Jesus enjoyed people,
Jesus enjoyed fellowship,
Jesus somehow saw the value and beauty in the worst of people.
And in the best of us; there is some ugly,
And in the worst of us; there is some beauty.
God is calling us from Sitting,
Matthew was sitting,
Sitting is just not good for you!
You cant effectively be God’s child, just sitting.
You cant effectively win souls to Jesus Christ, just sitting,
You cant effectively share your testimony, just sitting,
You cant really worship God in the beauty of Holiness, sitting,
There is a staleness that goes with sitting,
There is a boredom that goes with sitting,
Three is a pain that goes with sitting,
There is a wear-out that goes with sitting,
There is a weariness that goes with sitting,
God is Calling us from Sitting
God is calling us from Situations,

Matthew was at the Tax Collectors Booth,
Tax collectors, "publicans" were not numbered among the poor.
Wealth is not bad as long as its earned wealth, or inherited wealth, or as a gift, but wealth that comes on the backs of poor people is Wrong Wealth, Ungodly Wealth, Blood Wealth.
And God is Calling us From Situations,
Situations that hinders our witness,
Situations that hinders our worship,
Situations that hinders our work,
Situations that hinders our faith,
Situations that hinders our faithfulness,
situations that hinders our following,
.....he saw Matthew sitting at the tax collector's booth and said, "Follow me,"
and Matthew got up and followed him.
God is Calling us from Sitting,
God is calling us from Situations,
God is Calling us from Sin,

He says, Matthew, Follow me,
Rickey Harvey, Follow me,
and whatever your name is, Jesus says, Follow me...
God is calling us From Sin...
And, he's calling us to call others from sin,
and to usher them into a saving relationship with Him,
He's calling us to call people who are in sin, who are sin-sick,to come out of darkness, to turn to Jesus, to relinquish their ways, and to give their lives to Christ
God is calling us to Shadow Him,
God is calling us to Serve Him,
God is calling us to Stir up your gift.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just another good word to feast on!!! A good word for me is one that has caused the tears to flow.
A word that has convicted the heart. A word that makes it hurt just thinking i've let GOD down. THANKS AGAIN PASTOR