Monday, November 3, 2008

My First Sunday In Rochester

Wow.. What a day. People filled the beautiful spacious sanctuary anxiously waiting to see and here the new pastor of the Mount Olivet Baptist Church preach his first pastoral sermon. The people are some of the most warmest folks I have ever met. They are super friendly and most loving and welcomed my eldest son Rico and me with open arms. I was so excited and ready to go, I thought, but it never happened. I was so off until it was embarrassing. I know that the dynamics are different from what I'm accustomed to on Sundays, but I'm really used to diverse congregations across the country so that's no excuse. I didnt fall into that groove preaching and tried to sing "I Know the Lord will Make Away" in B-. Wrong key, LOL......
Let me see..... Could I blame it on the microphones...? Well those of you who know me know how the mikes can throw me off. The mikes, yeah, were problematic to say the least, but not sure if thats what threw me!
On the other hand, Hundreds of folks filed in a line to shake my hand afterwards, welcome me to Mount Olivet as its 10th pastor and express their appreciation for the message. I was somewhat encouraged by their kindness.
Many of them are looking for the person that they see on Youtube and hear online, and He has not arrived up yet! Well, I'm not uneasy, I just know that I have a lot of praying to do, some adjustments to make, and some settling in and down!
Yvonne and Rishard are not here and wont be here for a few weeks, the cars got here Saturday evening, so getting out of the rentals helped tremendously. The movers called earlier tonight; my furniture is somewhere near Chicago, on its way to Rochester. I could be much more comfortable when I have left this hotel. A meal at home will help some too, restaurant food gets old real soon!
So what can you do to help me? Just pray for me that the Lord settle me in, calm my nerves, strengthen me in His will, humble me in His blessings.. Yes, Mount Olivet is truly my blessing and I am ever so grateful at the opportunity to serve them!
Hey.... Be sure to Vote tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Rev Harvey, I saw the CD of your first sermon in Rochester. If, you
were off that day I don't want to see you when you are on. You sounded like a Pentecostal Preacher
amd if you had been at my church we would have been shouting all over the place. I was able to follow your sermon and I personally
enjoyed it. May God Bless you and
your family as you relocate to COLD

Anonymous said...

Pastor Harvey:

Trust God, leave the traditions of men, let the Holy Spirit use you and then you will not have to worry about if you are off or on.

Anonymous said...

Your sermon on November the 2nd was just find. It really blessed me! It's understandable that many adjustments must be made, but i really believe that GOD will work it out. To be honest, not many changes need to come from you, more so the church members need to start being more expressive in their way of worship. Me and MY First Lady, Linda are behind you 100%.