Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Weekend Number Two

Here I am in my big beautiful pulpit. I waited a few days to express my opinion of my first full week at Mount Olivet which would be my second Sunday in worship. Why did I wait? I waited because it took some time to adequately describe the weekend. In the words of the younger generation, it was off the chain. I joined my men in Male Chorus rehearsal. They were good. My musicians are fantastic but fortunately, I have always had the best musicians, so no real biggie. The men didnt tarry long before being joined by the Sanctuary choir who worked on Christmas music and rushed to a soon close to get home for the election returns.
(By the way, not only "(YES we can, but YES we did").
There was something going on everyday of the week afterwards which would allow interactions between the congregation and me; and personally I think thats what contributed to such an awesome Sunday. We had some time to get more aquainted, establish some relationships, learn some names, laugh and simply enjoy pastor and people together as the Lord would have it.
Saturday tons of people flowed in for the Mission Fair and that was great. I was in the midst of folks taking pictures and meeting new members as they attended the fair.
Sunday came and I was as ready as I could be. I had prayed, studied, and set my mind on a good worship and God didnt let anything short of that happen.
My Male Chorus blessed us and then God blessed us with a good word.. Yes He did. I was far more comfortable with my congregation this Sunday and I think they were with me as well.
The sermon "NO Time for Gazing" Acts 1:9-11 was a blessing for our congregation. One lady left church saying, "Pastor, we got it, no time for gazing up."

Look at God.!

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