Friday, August 14, 2009

Meet Debra, My 5th of 6 Sisters

So many times people ask me if I am the only child. Why? I dont know. Surely I dont act like an only child; and it's obvious that they have not followed my preaching throughout the years. Neither have they followed my Blog or anything else that deals with me. I'm very often in my sermons talking about the nine of us, and how poor we were, and how we made it pretty much on the bare necessities. It's not that I brag out about being poor; but I'm so thankful for everything that God has done for me. And as you will hear in an upcoming sermon, its the Bad News that makes the Good News good! You know, whereas I was blind, BAD NEWS, Now I SEE; GOOD NEWS.... We were as Poor as Job's Turkey, BAD NEWS, Now We're ALL Doing Fine, GOOD NEWS. All of my clothes as a child were first worn by white children, washed and given to my older brothers and then passed on to me as third generation hand-me-downs, not really BAD NEWS, just the fact, but now everything is either bought or tailor made just for me, While it may not bee GOOD NEWS, it's a far cry from BAD NEWS. Thus, it's nine of us! All nine are saved, seven of the nine are diligent church workers, all of the nine are gainfully employed, or gainfully retired. Most of them are super supportive of my ministry! Most of them like to hear me but a couple of them wouldn't raise the window up to hear me! I guess that's pretty good, as far as I see it... The Bible talks about no honor among kindred; I'm no exception! In South Bend, where I have two sisters, two Brothers-in-Law, four uncles, four aunts, 2 nieces, 2 nephews, about a dozen cousins, ALL of them will come to hear me EVERY NIGHT that i'm in town! My Sister Debra has not heard me many times or ever outside of her city, but when I'm in South Bend, Debra is there every night along with her husband John and this time her daughter Ashley and Ashley's friend, Troy! Never has it been any different! Blogging friends I wanted to introduce you to Debra....She did make it to Tucson for my Installation and stayed like a week or so with me there..... I'm sure with Rochester being a hop and a skip away, they will get here soon. As a matter of fact; I hear that I'm hosting my family in Rochester for Labor Day! Ok.. Say Hi to Debra Elaine Joy-Alexander. She's like a few years older than me before you ask! LOL. Above, I am engaged in a serious conversation with Pastor Ray Owens, and Debra is sitting behind me as you can see! WI did not realize that she was sitting behind me just clowning as I engaged in conversation! Just look at her! :-)

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