Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fishing in New York

First, you're not going to believe that I went fishing on yesterday, secondly, you're not going to believe that I caught these fish, and thirdly, you're not going to believe that I have three wonderful fishing partners now. We went to Honeoye Lake in Honeoye, New York. That's like about thirty miles from Rochester. I know you're dying to know who my fishing partners are! Bishop Jerry McCollough of Faith Temple, Bishop Melvin Cross and Vick, one of the associate pastors of Faith Temple. We we're like on this ship-size boat, all the way out in the water. I have pictures on my iphone that will prove this....... let me get them downloaded and you will see for yourself! It was like an all day fishing trip.... Most relaxing day ever! Ok... So what do you think of my first mess of fish? Wish I had taken pictures of the worms too.... I have to go "Fishing Shopping" now.. I need my own Reels, tackle, tackle box, and stuff! oh yeah... decided to attach me "First Fishing License" ever in my life! I have a license to fish! hmmmm Gonna have a "Fresh Fish Fry" after my next batch is caught!

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