President Barak Obama was right in every word that hs said...
"he acted stupidly" dont handcuff and man in his own home after having seen his ID and knowing that he is not a burglar; and is upset over the whole matter... "dont have his keys, cant get in the house, finally bust in, and here comes the police to take him to jail after the fact... I think I'd rather Al Shaprton and Jesse Jackson on those cases though! As the President was speaking; it seemed that
the racial upheavel that still exists in America was about to levitate to an unprecedented plane. I was like; Yeah Mr. President you're absolutely right, and thank you for saying what you said... you spoke truth, you showed America (especially those who have doubted) that you are fully aware of the pain and hurt suffered by Black America. Had a
Black Cop done that to a White man; the Cop would have lost his job, his retirement, and the chance to ever gain law enforcement employment again. It reminded me of watching the Rodney King tapes and Bush 41 saying
"He was tired of seeing the tapes" and a White Jury finding the Cops not guilty of brutally mistreating a Black man. Damn this makes me mad! If this happens to a Black man who is in his seventies, on a cane, living in an upscale community, walking on a cane, then what are the chances for a Black man in his twenties, pants hanging off, in a lower scale community, and harmless as a dove. The President did well in calling both of the children (police and professor) into the office, give them some cookies and milk and tell them to be good boys... This quietens things down and allows everyone not to think too harsly about where the world really is! America has seen, the President has spoken, the Media has shown us, and now we know even the more; that
We have not "OVERCOME".
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