Saturday, April 11, 2009

Cord Me in "C"

Wow.... Its almost 11am.... Im up... just finished an Omelette and orange juice. I am whipped. Was it worth it? Absolutely so! I have done Holy Week of Sacrificial Worship Services now for the last eighteen years. I'm used to the wear and tear that this week brings to you physically and I think there is a spiritual connotation in that..... It's designed to let you feel perhaps as physically drained and stressed as you possibly can and then remind you that at your most tiring moment, most fatigued time, its nothing in comparison to what Jesus went through on the cross for us! Thus; I repent at every thought not pertaining to worshipping Him who suffered and bled and hung between two theives on a rugged cross so that I would be free and have a right to the Tree of Life! Thank you Jesus, for every time I feel weary; I think of how you felt on that cross; and I say thank you for what you have done for me! Yesterday was a wonderful day in my life. I Preached yesterday morning at 6:00am, "The Napkin is Still Folded." Wow; I love how God revealed Himself to us through that Word! Wow; He's an awesome God. Last night was somewhat different in that the Spirit was willing but the Flesh was weak and I could not hang with the five preachers who had gone before me and the one who would come afterwards. Those guys and gal; I might add, they each preached a whole sermon; in the Seven Last Words. I was number six. By the time it got to me; I could hardly hold my eyes open, my voice was shot, and I was all but fit to be tied. My message was as follows: John 19:30, Jesus said, "It Is Finished." He dropped his head in the locks of his shoulders, gave up the ghost and died. It is Finished was not a cry of defeat, It was a victory shout, it was Jesus saying to the Father, I have done what you told me to do. Jesus was saying to the Father, Well done! "Cord me in "C". And, if when you give the best of your service, telling the world, that the Saviour has come, be not dismayed when men wont believe, He'll understand and say, Well done." Then I took my seat. While the crowd overwhelmingly seemed pleased with the brevity of the four minute message, there were those who immediately expressed their dissatisfaction. I think them to be people who really dont understand how a Seven Last Words Service is supposed to go! It's not really Seven Sermons, It is One Sermon preached by Seven Preachers.

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