Tuesday, March 16, 2010

That's My Moma

Moma is an amazing woman. Mamie Louise Willis Harvey. I am such a fan of hers. She is yet a tall beautiful high heel stepping queen who holds her own in every way! Each of the nine of us (siblings) have so many of her ways! I have been blessed with Mothers across this country, but this is MOMA. I so thank God for keeping her strong and healthy and able to offer advice to us. She's my queen yall. Raised us the right way! Didnt play! If she said go to bed; she meant every word of it, and meant for us to do it right away! She visited us in school, got up every morning of our school days, cooked hot biscuits, (no cans) Salmon Croquets, Pancakes, Eggs, Rice, Bacon.... .That is if we had it in the house... Many times, Moma had to literally make a meal on whatever was there. We really didnt know how poor we were until we got up and actually out of the house, because Moma knew how to make the house go! Rice pudding, Bread pudding, Banana Bread...the works.... We didnt realize it was digging from the bottom of the barrel. She walked to the Busline every morning after getting us off to school, got on the bus and went to work. She would ride the bus home each day, and have a full course dinner for us everyday of our life as chldren. She is and always has been a wonderful mother! She's the Matriarch of her family now and with God's help she will lead us just well. While God has placed many mothers in my life and for each of you I am grateful... I want the world to know "That's My Moma" birthed me, named me, raised me, taught me, loved me, whipped me, chastised me, made a man of me! Thank God for Moma!

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