"… Jesus … said … with God all things are possible." What prompted Jesus to say such a thing? He wanted to show us that what we think can’t be done, is no challenge at all to God; for God can do anything and God will make a way where there is no way.
God promised Abraham that Sarah would give birth to a son, Abraham had to ignore his natural circumstances, He had to have faith in God’s promise, And he had to believe that God was able to do what He said he would do.The text makes one thing clear: If we’re going to receive from God, we’re going to have to do the same things Abraham did; Blindly Trust God!
You can think you way right out of your blessing,
You can consider you way right out of your blessing,
You can't think like God,
You can't think for God,
Let God do the thinking, His Thinking is better than mine,
His thinking is bigger than mine,
Our responsibility is to be fully trust and obey God,
God's responsibility is to do what He said that He would do,
Don’t try to figure out how He’s going to bless you,
God said it, He will do it!
It may be through fish and loaves of bread,
It may be through ravens, one a butcher, one a baker,
It may be through mud and spittle from the ground,
It may be a red sea opening up for you,
It may be a wild cow leaving its calf,
It may be an ax head finding its handle,
God is able,
Got any rivers you think are impossible? Got any mountains you cannot tunnel thorough? God specializes in things thought to be impossible, And he can do what no other God can do.Ever been on your bed of affliction?
Doctors, with all of their medicine, did you no good?
God, specializes, Oh in things, that seem impossible,
He can do, What no other power, Can do….